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Latest from the Blog

What The Future Holds

Dancing trees, swaying leaves. Singing birds, cattles in herds. Rainbow skies, underneath the ocean lies. Smiling sun, stars having fun. Shattered dreams, broken teams. Pipe running eyes, suddenly faith dies. A heavenly father, a forgiving brother. The fool was the last to know. Now everyone’s on the go. Widening smiles, shorter miles. Success is near,…

Cycle of Youth

Don’t give up, they say. Keep trying, they say Push harder, they say. It will pay off, they say. At a tender and dependent age, no matter how hard you work, it never seems to get better. Motivators they say they are, I don’t see them motivating at all. No help. No resources, no one…

The Dark Cloth

It’s so dark, no one would like it. The thing is, no one can understand unless they feel it. When you talk about it, nobody seems to care. Even when it has done a lot if emotional damage that causes you to shed a tear. It swarms your body, mind, heart and soul. It covers…

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Hi guys this is Nellie and for years I’ve been writing poems about how I feel and I know many people can relate because we all go through stuff. I hope you guys do enjoy them😁

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